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Nala and Ice 2

  Nala and Ice

  A Forbidden Love Story


  The Finale

  By: Michay

  Copyright 2016 by Michay

  Published by Mz. Lady P Presents

  All rights reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales or, is entirely coincidental.

  No portion of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without writer permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.





  I found myself having all these crazy dreams of Ice, but I knew it was just a dream. Alexis told me he died the day they took me away. When we made it to Colombia, they placed me in a basement for months, because I would not listen to Mason. All I wanted was Ice, and Mason was not Ice. He was just another puppet for Jacque, and whatever Jacque said, that is what it was.

  “Where is my daughter?” Mason walked in from work and asked me as I prepared dinner. I was now married to him, and my daughter was now eight months old.

  “I laid her down for her nap.” He stood behind me and kissed my neck, and I cringed. I learned to deal with my situation, because I wanted to continue to see my daughter Kamya. If I disobeyed his orders, he used her against me and took her away for days at a time. I had no way of escaping this slave ship ass town.

  I’d learned a lot about my father since being here. He had all these men under his belt, and they all owned their wives. Some of them had multiple women, who lived together. I never got to go out, unless I had to go pick up food, which would already be ready for me at the store. Everyone here worked for Jacque, and no outsiders were allowed.

  He owned Bogota, which is where we lived, along with a couple more places. Alexis was now working beside him, but I never got a chance to see her. She stayed away from me on purpose, and I just pushed her to the back on my mind. Bleu was Jacque’s first wife, and he had three more besides her. I guess she was willing to do whatever to keep her position.

  It’s not like she had a choice, because whenever she disobeyed him, he’d beat her and lock her away for days. Every month, all the wives in Bogota would get together and have a small party with food, cards, and other games the men had to approve of. We were not allowed to drink or smoke, and if they even suspect anything, we had to answer to Jacque.

  Jacque was like the God in Bogota. No one was allowed to make decisions unless they went through him. The only good thing about Mason was that he wasn’t that hard on me like the other men were with their women. Most of those women had no privileges, like watching TV, listening to the radio, wearing makeup, etc.

  Mason wanted me to be comfortable around him and didn’t care what I did. As long as I obeyed him, I could do whatever.

  “Before you attend the party tonight, I need you to go pick up my food from the store.”

  “Yes, Mason.” He turned me around and pulled my shirt over my head, revealing my now D-cup breasts. He put my nipples in his mouth and sucked on both of them. I grabbed his head and envisioned it was Ice.

  “MMMMMM, YES.” He picked me up, placed me on the kitchen table, and opened my legs. Whenever we were inside the house, he didn’t allow me to wear panties or bras.

  “Daddy missed this pussy,” he pulled his dick out and stuck it inside of me. To say his dick was disappointing was an understatement. It was little as hell, and he was old-fashioned. He didn’t believe in oral or nasty sex. It was always the same thing over and over. He fucked me missionary, busted his nut, and kept it moving.

  I was glad I didn’t have to suck his dick, because I would really be disgusted. When he finished, I washed up, put my clothes on, and walked to the store. He didn’t have to worry about me running away, because I wouldn’t be able to get past the guards if I tried. I walked past my dad’s house and watched Bleu as she sat on the front porch. She’d just had another baby and was letting Jacquez play out front with the other kids.

  We were not allowed to speak in public or acknowledge each other, so I kept it moving.

  “Good afternoon, Nala. Mason’s food is over in the cart.”

  “Good afternoon, Carla.”

  Carla was very sweet and was born into this lifestyle. She always had encouraging words for us. She was only thirty years old and was accustomed to this. She always told me, if she ever got a chance to leave, then she would run far away and never come back. She was born in the United States and spoke English very well.

  Her husband owned the store, and she worked there. Inside this store was where all the drugs were cooked and where they packaged them to be shipped. There was one guy who always picked up the shipments, so the drugs could be sent back to the States.

  Just as I was picking up the food and placing them in the cart, I heard some music playing in the warehouse.

  You’re like Ice, I-C-E

  Feels so nice, scorching me, you’re so hot hot

  Baby your love is so hot, hot…

  The song to Kelly Rowland and Lil Wayne was playing again, and the words were stuck on the chorus. This was the second time I came in here and this song was playing. I looked back, and the guy who makes the shipment was getting inside his truck, but I couldn’t see his face, because he had a hoodie over his head. I dismissed the thoughts and left to go home.


  Later that evening

  “Attention, ladies. This meeting is to help us escape. They think we’re here for fun and games, but that’s our cover-up. Some guys are on the outside trying to help us get out, but it will take some time. Whenever they feel it’s safe to make that move, then we will be free.” Carla was over all the meetings we had and made sure to answer whatever questions we had. I had a little hope whenever I came here, but I was unsure of where I would escape to. The love of my life was gone, and I had no one left on the outside. Once the meeting was over, we all talked about lots of things, until it was time to go home. As I was walking, a truck was parked in front of my house, so I figured it was a late night delivery. Just as I was about to walk up the stairs, that song played again.

  You’re like Ice, I-C-E

  Feels so nice, scorching me, you’re so hot hot

  Baby your love is so hot, hot…

  I turned around, and the truck pulled away.

  To be continued…

  Chapter 1


  “Bro, you can’t sit around and drink yourself into a coma. That’s not how we do shit. I understand you’re hurt and upset, but get yourself together.” Paul walked in on me once again while I was drunk sleep. This had been an ongoing thing for me, since Jacque took Nala away. The only thing I be looking forward to is hearing from Alexis. Alexis been keeping me updated and been trying to help me get back to Bogota to pick up drugs, but shit been slow for me.

  She snuck me inside a couple times, and each time, I saw Nala. She had gained a lot of weight in her ass and titties, and her hair got longer. Now that Jacque has come back, and probably won’t leave again for a while, things looked fucked on my end. It’s been three months since I been to see them, and I was sick. I couldn’t call Alexis back, because then I would reveal that I am, indeed, alive.

  Two months after the whole incident, Alexis found out I was alive, and we both agreed to keep it a secret. Nala thinks I’m dead and has probably put me in
the back of her mind. All I wanted was for my family to come home to me.

  “What I’mma stop drinking for? I ain’t got shit to look forward to. Might as well enjoy life and what it has to offer me.” I sat up in the bed, grabbed my fifth of Patron, and took it to the head. Paul opened the curtains, and I closed my eyes from the sunbeam.

  “This is not you, bro. I’m not feeling this new Ice. You can’t get ya family back if you’re not thinking clearly. Get up so we can get this money.” Paul and I now held down the streets of Chicago, with the help of my old running buddies, Kane and Kentaye. I been knowing both of them since I was little, and we stayed a block away from them. I was always laid back, but whenever I got with them, we always got into trouble.

  I decided to leave Miami for good, because nothing was there for me anymore. I gave that land to Paul, and he now owns Miami, despite relocating to Chicago as well. Paul been a big help when it came to this Nala situation, but he still had Lia.

  “Kane already called me and told me everything good. Let me get some more rest.” I tried to lay back down, but he threw some cold ass water on me.

  “BRO, WHAT THE FUCK, MAN!” I jumped up and almost hit his ass. He laughed, then I looked over at Qua who was still drunk sleep.

  “She got you bugging man. Get ahold of yourself.” Paul walked out and told me to meet him at Starbucks. I tried to wake Qua up, but she was dead to the world. Right after I showered and put something on my stomach, I left her a note before leaving. A couple months after Nala left, I met Qua at the strip club. She was a dancer there, and after a few lap dances, and her sucking my dick from time to time, things moved fast. I started messing with her heavy, but I knew it was to keep Nala off my mind.

  Qua been staying here with me ever since, and I didn’t mind the company, but she could never replace Nala. I didn’t have no type of feelings for Qua, because she was a pill popping animal and a drunk like me. When she get on the pills and liquor, she is a monster. We would fuck all night long, and sometimes into the morning, but as soon as everything ended, I suddenly felt bad as hell and regretted it.

  Reality would set back in that Nala was still gone. Qua was the total opposite as far as looks with Nala. My Nala baby was so gorgeous and always kept herself up. Qua was tall, dark-skinned, and her body was bananas. Every nigga in the Chi done hit her pussy, but I didn’t judge her. I could never see myself being with her or taking things serious, because she was unstable on some levels. Here it is, I’m wishing I could just hold my daughter, and she got two kids she gave up to her mother.

  She don’t even visit them, but wants to have a kid by me. She cool as hell as far as us having sex and kicking it, but Paul is right. She is unhealthy for me. I need to get rid of her before she bring me down. When I walked into Starbucks, Paul had his glasses on going through his laptop. Three times out of the week, we would go to Starbucks and go over our money and make sure everything is straight.

  We didn’t need an accountant, because I went to school for Accounting. I learned everything so I didn’t have to trust a soul with my money.

  “Finally. So far were looking good for the next two months. This month was slow, but we’re still good.” He was calculating the money coming from Miami and Chicago.

  “Ok, cool. I just need to get back to Bogota to get the product. My customers are depending on me to deliver that A-l shit. We gotta figure something out.” He knew why I wanted to go back to Bogota. My woman and the drugs. The shit I copped from Bogota was A-1 and made me the man in the United States. I supplied every city on the map, but I was running low now.

  “You're right, but how. Going into Bogota unannounced is a death sentence. Alexis helped us out, but I got a feeling something is holding her from contacting us. For now, we need to work with the bricks we got, and on the first, we can make that call to Uran.” I agreed with him, even though I didn’t want to fuck with Uran. He was gay and didn’t hide it. I had nothing against gay people, but he was always flirting and shit. On many occasions, I wanted to blow his shit back, but because of his rank in this business, I won’t make it past his front yard alive. Uran held power and was undercover. Walking down the street, he looked like an ordinary, gay dude, but on the inside, he was a monster and viscous in them streets.

  “Let’s just hope we don’t have to.” Paul laughed, and I snapped.

  “Fuck is you laughing for?”

  “I’m glad he don’t like my ass, because I would bug the fuck up on his ass.”

  “Whatever nigga. What’s the next move?” I changed the subject, because he was playing too much.

  “We cool for now. I just want you to get ya shit back in order. I know Nala will come back to you. Just get rid of that bitch and focus on you.”

  “I hear you man. I know I slipped, but I’m back now. No more drinking, and no more slacking.” We shook up, and I headed back home. As soon as I made it to my condo, something was sitting on my porch. When I got closer, my heart dropped.

  “What the fuck yo?” I said to myself, as I picked my daughter up from the car seat. I looked around and didn’t see anyone. She was asleep, but her hands and feet were freezing. Luckily, it was around sixty degrees, because she could have died out here.

  “I got you, Ma. Dada got you.” I held her tight, but at the same time, my heart was racing. Once I got her inside and took the clothes off her, she woke up. She looked around for a minute then cried.

  “WWAAAAAAHHHHH. WWAAHHHHHHH.” I cradled her like I saw other mothers do their babies. I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing.

  “SHHHH. Stop crying, Kamya. Daddy got you.” She was big to be ten months and had a head full of hair. The last time Alexis sent me a picture of her, she was seven months. She was definitely my twin. She eventually stopped crying, so I fixed her some oatmeal and gave her a bottle of milk. I alerted Paul and Lia to meet me here, and I started pacing back and forth. While I waited, I sat her on the floor, but instead, she was trying to walk and kept falling.

  I could tell she was a busy body, and I couldn’t do shit but laugh. This shit was so unreal. If this was a dream, I never wanted to wake up. I been dreaming to hold my baby, and here it is, someone dropped her off to me. I don’t know if this was setup or not, but where the fuck was Nala, if Kamya was here?

  “OMG. Ice, start explaining.” I was so tuned in to Kamya, I didn’t hear Paul and Lia walk inside.

  “It is what you see. She was on the porch sleep when I walked up.” I rubbed my head and had almost shed some tears.

  “Where is Nala?” I knew Lia would ask that since this affected her as well.

  “I don’t know.” Paul checked the car seat and found a letter and an envelope. I opened it and wanted to shoot some shit up.

  Dear Ice,

  I’m sending Kamya to you for many reasons. Jacque found out Nala was trying to come back to the U.S. and tried to kill her and the baby. Luckily, her husband notified me, and I took the baby. He thinks I sold the baby to a white family, but I couldn’t do that to my grandbaby. That’s all I could do for now. I’m sorry I didn’t inform you of Nala getting married, but trust me, it’s more to the story than you will ever know. I will keep in contact and also keep you updated on Nala. Right now, she is ok, but soon, he will snap. I got someone helping me to bring her home, so please be patient.


  I through the letter across the room.

  “Tell me my Nala didn’t go and marry that nigga?” I was hoping what Alexis just revealed wasn’t true.

  “I’m sure she didn’t want to Ice. Alexis said it was more to the story.” I ignored Lia, because this shit wasn’t adding up. I checked the documents that were sent to me, and Nala signed her rights over to me. I had full custody of Kamya. I had her medical records, birth certificate, social security card, and other important papers.

  “Man, fuck Nala. I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but she got me fucked up. Here it is I’m trying to get her back, and she go and marry this cornball ass nigga. Then send
my daughter like she don’t want her. This letter is a setup and bullshit bro.” Paul agreed with me, but Lia didn’t.

  “Ice, you’re overreacting. Calm down.”

  “I’m cool. Come here, Mommy.” I picked Kamya up, and she laughed.

  “Daddy got you. I’m changing your last name to Jones, and I will make sure your good on every level.” Paul and Lia stayed for a couple hours, and when they left, I went upstairs. I opened the room door, and Qua was still asleep.

  “Get the fuck up yo. You gotta go.” I kicked the bed, and she jumped.

  “I’m tired, Ice. Who baby you got?” I never told Qua nothing when it came to Nala or that whole situation. In her eyes, I’m single.

  “This is my baby girl, Kamya.” She was waiting on me to say sike or something, but when I didn’t, she jumped up.

  “Baby. What the fuck you mean baby?” I didn’t hesitate to repeat myself. I told her everything, even about Nala. She started crying, and I felt kind of bad, but then again, I didn’t.

  “Well, I guess you’re gonna be a father again, because I just found out I’m four months pregnant.” I opened my eyes wide as hell when she said that shit.

  “I used a condom each time. Stop playing with me man.”

  “Twice the condom broke, and you went raw. Or were you too drunk to remember?” The look on her face let me know she was serious. One bomb after another.

  “DNA ME, PLEASE.” I couldn’t go like that. Qua probably fucked every nigga in Chicago. I needed to go get myself checked out too. That’s how I know it’s time to slow down on the drinking. This bitch tryna trap me.

  “Fuck you, Ice. I only been with you and only you.” She got up, got her clothes on, and stormed out. I was too embarrassed to even tell Paul. He about to chew me a new asshole.

  “Dada. Dada.” I picked Kamya up when she said dada. That warmed my heart through all the bullshit.

  Chapter 2
